
don't be

a phisher's


why we exist

making cybersecurity accessible because
everyone deserves peace of mind

Cyberattacks don't just happen to the big fish... small businesses get targeted too.

Although most small business owners might not think about cybersecurity, or don't think they're a target, about half of cyberattacks are against small businesses.

Yet, most cybersecurity tools aren't built for small businesses.

Phisherie exists to give you peace of mind and help you protect your business against cyberattacks.

"there are only two types of companies—those that know they’ve been compromised, and those that don’t know"

Phisherie helps you and your team to:

  • ✔ spot phishing messages

  • ✔ stop possible cyberattacks

  • ✔ learn to report phishy emails

If this resonates with you, you're in the right place.

- signed, Kala, the phisher-cat and the team at phisherie

illustration of a black cat with purple eyes and a yellow fisher's hat on
sign up to the waitlist

cybersecurity for everyone
no expertise required

we're opening our beta group for the phishing reporting and analysis tool in summer 2024

sign up now if you:

✔ have a small team using gmail
✔ want visibility into your team's phishing risk
✔ don't have a phishing reporting and analysis tool, or you don't like the one you have